Powerful Callback Widget
for Your Website

that helps you get more customers
from your current website visitors.

It’s Proven!

Increase Sales Calls by up to 30%

Install BounceHelp to decrease your bounce rate and increase purchase conversion. Convert website visitors into immediate phone calls.

Premium Support

Service Quality Control

Service quality control and call recording helps you track the strengths and weaknesses of your sales process so you can improve it.

Antispam system

Antispam System

The security system blocks spam calls and prevents your numbers from getting into spam databases.

Lead Tracking

Lead Tracking

CRM, notification alerts, website analytics and more means you know how to better spend your marketing budget.

Fully Customizable

Fully Customizable

Easy to customize for corporate identity or change any messaging text to fit your brand. Changeable button animation and position are available as well.

It's easy!

Try it fast and safe!

No credit card needed and no monthly subscription. You’re billed per new lead that is captured by our system.

Our Phone Lead Engagement Tools:

Bounce Contact Button Close
Bounce Contact Button Open

Bounce Contact Button

There are customers waiting on your website, your BounceHelp Contact Button is the best new way to offer them that help. Phone Calls are way faster than email and more efficient than a LiveChat. One click on a beautiful icon on the right bottom corner of your website, opens up a simple panel for a visitor to enter their phone number, and in 9 seconds they will get connected with your representative to get their questions answered. Don’t make your customers wait.

For demo - open BounceHelp.com on your laptop
Bounce Exit Monitor

Bounce Exit Monitor

When a visitor lands on your website, the Exit Monitor begins tracking that visitor's mouse movement and behaviour. Our custom built visitor behavior learning algorithm and exit intent technology allows the Exit Monitor to determine the exact millisecond a visitor leaves your page. Once an Exit Intent has been triggered, the Exit Monitor displays a targeted offer or a question to your visitor. This gives you the ability to initiate a phone call, capture a new lead or gain a sale.

For demo - open BounceHelp.com on your laptop
Bounce Mobile Connect

Bounce Mobile Connect

Mobile Connect is a simple way for your website visitors to get help or contact your business while on the go. With just one tap your website visitors will be on a phone call with your sales representative. Mobile traffic is over 50% now, therefore it is very critical to provide simple and effective solutions for your customers to reach you when they need it the most for both desktop and mobile.

For demo - open BounceHelp.com on your mobile device


Bounce Help works well as an easy-to-find phone link for web browsers. It makes the phone ring. Customer Service is always fast too.

Adam Pillmore www.classichomes.com

BounceHelp leads bring in additional $15 000 of business each month.

Pro Tech Auto Systems
Chris Rock Pro Tech Auto Systems

A simple yet powerful lead generation tool that delivers real customers.

All Star Auto Insurance
Omar Dalberry All Star Auto Insurance

Get unlimited Leads free for 7 days*

*Install the widget within the first 24 hours after registration and get full access for free for 7 days.
1-minute for setup, no credit card required.


How can BounceHelp widget help my business make more money?

From development and SEO to paid advertising and marketing and affiliate programs, every site visitor has cost you money.

The BounceHelp callback widget increases visitor-to-customer conversions and significantly reduces bounce rates. This means that, at the same cost level, you will receive more profit.

Setting and installing the BounceHelp widget will take 5 minutes. If you install the widget within 24 hours after registration, you will receive a 7-day trial period. At the end of the trial period, you can analyze the result using simple and transparent analytics in your personal account.

How can BounceHelp widget help me improve the quality of my service?

BounceHelp has an integrated quality control system. After each conversation, the Lead is asked to rate the quality of service. In your personal account, you can view the rating and scores for each of your representatives as well as listen to the call recording.

The BounceHelp callback widget is needed for the convenience of users. With it, they won't have to search for your company's phone number or contact form on the site if they want to ask a question.

You can access the Lead at any time. During business hours, the system will connect the Lead and the representative in 9 seconds! Outside of business hours, BounceHelp will offer to schedule a call for the Lead and add the Lead to your call schedule.

What if a customer requests a callback, and the sales rep is busy?

The system will connect the customer with the next representative. In the widget settings, you can specify the number of seconds you need for the system to switch the call to the next representative.

If there is only one representative (or none of the representatives answer the call), an apology message will display for the Lead. You can edit the text of this message in the settings.

You will be sent a notification with the following content:

Customer (phone number here) requested a callback on your website: (website URL here), and we tried to connect them with your representative, but the representative did not answer the call. Make sure to call the customer back.

Customer's phone number:
Time / Date:
Manager's phone number:
Manager's name:

How does the widget work during non-business hours?

Outside of business hours, a customer will be offered the option to schedule a call. The Lead will be able to choose from any working hour within the next three working days.
At the scheduled time, the system will automatically connect the Lead and the representative.

What does “spam protection” mean?

We have implemented a security system that prevents spam calls to your number. The system automatically assigns you a virtual phone number, which acts as an intermediate filter. This helps prevent your numbers from getting into spam databases.

What is the difference between a Lead and a call?

Even if the Lead called you several times, you won’t pay for each call. You pay only for a unique Lead.

How can BounceHelp’s analytics help me with my business?

BounceHelp analytics are simple, straightforward and easy to use – and not just for marketers and analysts. BounceHelp will help you check that everything is in order regarding incoming traffic and conversion as well as at the service level – and within just a couple of minutes.

Can I customize the widgets?

Yes. You can add a logo, change the color of the widget to your corporate style, change the CTA texts and upload banners with an offer.

You can also change the appearance, position and animation of the buttons.

Can I disable callback on some website pages?

Yes. Our support team will help you do this. Email us at [email protected]

How many websites can I add to one account?

We do not limit the number of websites you can create in one account. For each site, you can view individual statistics, add individual representatives and add a corporate identity.

How many reps can I add to one website or account?

You can add an unlimited number of representatives without increasing the cost of the service.

How long are call records kept?

We keep records of conversations for the entire period that you use the service. You can listen to the entire history of communication with the Lead at any time.

In the widget settings, you can turn off call recording. Previous recordings will not be deleted. If you want to delete all call records, please email us at [email protected]

I need CRM integration

You can integrate the CRM you currently use. All the Leads, and any new activity with the Lead, will transfer to your CRM, so that you can see it all in one place.

I am a representative of a web/SEO/marketing agency, looking for a solution for my client

We have an affiliate program with a special offer for you. Please email us and we will send you more detailed information.